1Santa Cabrera, 2Teofilo Diaz, 3Issa Morillo
1Ministry of Education MINERD-IDEICE
2,3Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, UASD
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i5-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Learning a second language has become a necessity for human beings, because in daily life they face globalization, which requires knowing or mastering other languages or languages apart from the native one. This has become a challenge for the inhabitants of a country or nation, generating in them an anxious feeling that prevents them from learning easily. Linguistic anxiety is the apprehension experienced in front of a situation that requires the use of a second foreign language with which the individual does not have all his communicative potential […] which causes the propensity of individuals to react nervously when they speak, listen, read or write in this other idiom For these reasons, through this study we will try to explain briefly and simply about anxiety, its intervention in learning a foreign language, the causes that generate it and the role of the teacher when this factor occurs.
KEYWORDS:Anxiety, types of anxiety, cognitive load, language learning.
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Volume 05 Issue 05 MAY 2022

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