1Rizza Ramos-Gonzales, 2Dr. Pedrito Jose V. Bermudo
1,2University of Perpetual Help System Laguna, Binan Laguna, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i5-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
This descriptive correlational study aimed at determining the viability, prospects and challenges of ecotourism in Lobo, Batangas. It engaged 120 members of the people’s organizations involved in ecotourism. Majority of the respondents aged 56 to 59, male, a high school graduate, had been involved in ecotourism business for either 1 to 4 years or 5 to 8 years, and had attended 1 to 2 trainings. The level of viability of ecotourism in Lobo, Batangas was ‘very high’ with a weighted mean of 3.43. The respondents strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 3.38 to the prospects of growth and development of ecotourism in Lobo, Batangas. Likewise, they agreed with a weighted mean of 3.03 to the myriad of challenges encountered in their involvement in ecotourism. There was a significant difference in their understanding of the viability of ecotourism along marketing aspect, when grouped according to the number of years of involvement in ecotourism and number of trainings attended in ecotourism. The respondents with 5 or more trainings had higher appreciation of the level of viability of ecotourism in the locality than those with 1 to 2 trainings and those with 3 to 4 trainings. Members of the people’s organizations recognize the business prospects and abundant opportunities for growth and development for the community and its residents in the ecotourism sites despite the myriad of problems that beset them. Thus, the proposed action plan should be considered by stakeholders in the ecotourism business in Lobo, Batangas.
KEYWORDS:viability, prospects, challenges, ecotourism
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