Remilyn Nacario-Arce
Doctor of Philosophy major in Educational Management, University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
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This descriptive-correlational study investigated the relationship between the teachers’ use of higher-order cognitive skills, instructional skills in online science teaching and academic achievement of students in elementary science. The respondents of the study were 91 elementary science teachers who were randomly sampled from the 117 Grade 3-6 elementary science teachers of DepEd Division of the City of Sta. Rosa. The research instrument was validated by experts in the field and its internal consistency reliability was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha.
The findings revealed that the teachers always used higher order cognitive skills in online science teaching (WM=3.28). They had very high level of instructional skills in online science teaching (WM=3.42.). Sixty-five (65) or 71.43 percent of the elementary science teachers reported an aggregated GPA of 85 to 89 for their classes; 18 or 19.78 percent had 80 to 84; and 8 or 8.79 percent got 90 to 94. There were no significant relationships between the respondents’ frequency of use of higher-order cognitive skills in online science teaching and the students’ academic achievement in elementary science (p>0.05); and between the respondents’ level of instructional skills in online science teaching and the students’ academic achievement in elementary science(p>0.05). It was concluded in the study that the teachers’ use of higher order teaching skills in online science teaching and their instructional skills have no bearing on the academic achievement of the students. A study on the correlation between higher-order skills of students and their academic achievement in elementary science may be conducted to verify this study’s findings and confirm the other studies’ findings.
KEYWORDS:Higher-Order Cognitive Skills, Instructional Skill, Online, Science Teaching , Students achievement
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