Lino Rosete
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna, Philippines
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This study investigated the quality of service of the health and fitness center as assessed by the clients in terms of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles; the clients’ level of customers satisfaction on the services of the health and fitness center; the clients’ consumer behavior towards the services of the health and fitness center; and the business performance of the health and fitness center in terms of customer loyalty and customer retention rate. Further, it probed the relationship between the quality of service and clients’ level of customer satisfaction on the health and fitness center’s services; between the clients’ level of customer satisfaction and consumer behavior towards the health and fitness center’s services; and between the quality of service and business performance of the health and fitness center. It also ascertained whether service quality, level of customer satisfaction and level of consumer behavior could predict the business performance of the health and fitness center.
This study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design, which involved 300 randomly selected clients of the Oxygen Gym Health and Fitness Center, in Kuwait, UAE.
Findings revealed that the respondent-clients ‘strongly agree’ with an overall average of 3.48 to the quality of service of the health and fitness center, the Oxygen Gym, as to its services. The respondent-clients’ level of satisfaction on the services of health and fitness center was ‘very high’ with an overall weighted mean of 3.51. The respondent-clients ‘strongly agree’ with an average weighted mean of 3.50 to all the indicators of customer behavior, such as psychological, personal, social and cultural factors, towards the services of the health and fitness center. Results also revealed that the degree of customer loyalty as a qualitative measure of the Oxygen Gym’s business performance was very high. Results also shown that there was a significant relationship between level of customer satisfaction and consumer behavior towards the health and fitness center’s services
KEYWORDS:Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Consumer Behavior, Business Performance, Health and Fitness Center, Oxygen Gym, Qualitative Research
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Volume 05 Issue 05 MAY 2022

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