Dearborn E. Villafranca LPT, MAEd
Santa Rosa City, Laguna, Philippines 4026
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed at examining the relationship among the school heads’ level of servant leadership, level of decision making and instructional leadership practices in elementary schools particularly in the City Schools Division of Cabuyao. Descriptive correlational research design was employed. The study revealed that the there was a significant relationship between the school heads’ level of servant leadership skill and their level of decision-making skill, school heads’ level of servant leadership skill and their instructional leadership practices and school heads’ level of decision-making skill and their instructional leadership practices. Correlations indicated that the higher the level of servant leadership skill of school heads, the higher is their level of decision-making skill, the higher the level of servant leadership skill of school heads, the more they confirm their instructional leadership practices, and the higher the level of decision making skill of school heads, the more they confirm their instructional leadership practices. In essence, the results yield substantial implications to school heads’ leadership and decision making. Similarly, an understanding of the relationship among the school heads’ level of servant leadership skill, level of decision making skill and instructional leadership practices helps the
KEYWORDS:Descriptive correlational study, Southeast Asia, Quantitative Research. Servant Leadership. Decision Making. Instructional Leadership Practices
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