1Feng Li, 2Yiyang Wei
1,2School of management science and Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu 233030, China
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i5-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The development of deep learning and the continuous progress of artificial intelligence have contributed to the rapid development of speech recognition. Among them, the end-to-end structure is the more important part of the whole speech recognition. This paper introduces two end-to-end speech recognition methods, the attention model and the CTC loss function, describes the practical application of deep learning in speech recognition and suggests improvements to the two models. Finally, the practical usefulness of speech recognition is demonstrated by analyzing the application of trigger word detection and sentiment analysis in artificial intelligence in teaching and learning.
KEYWORDS:Speech Recognition; Deep learning; CTC Loss Function; Sentiment Analysis.
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Volume 05 Issue 05 MAY 2022

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