Dynamic Characteristics of New Transformer Converters and its Measurement of Angle Slips Differences
1S.F. Amirov, 2N.R. Yuldashev
1Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Department of "Power supply" of Tashkent State Transport University
2Doctoral student (PhD) of department of "Power supply" of Tashkent State Transport University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i4-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article developed a parametric structure diagram for the dynamic modes of measuring devices in the formation of operator-type algebraic equations that reflect the electromechanical and electromagnetic processes occurring in the dynamic modes of the electromechanical measuring transducer, which measures the difference of angular displacements. In determining the dynamic properties of the elements in the measuring device, their inputs are given jumping variable mechanical moments and sinusoidal variable mechanical moments, the laws of change of the output size of the element over time are determined.
Keywordsinductance, capacitive force moments, mechanical resistance, mechanical stiffness, mechanical inductance, parametric structure diagram, excitation coil, current source, magnetic flux, electric capacitance.
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Volume 05 Issue 04 APRIL 2022

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