• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022

Knowledge and Practices on Healthcare Waste Management among Healthcare Staff in a Specialized Infectious Disease Hospital in Sri Lanka
1G.P.C.J Fonseka,2P. Karthikeyan,3A. D. H. Jayathilake,4I.M.S.M Rajakaruna,5N.G.S Panditharathna, 6S.M Arnold, 7M.S.K. Wickramatilake
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i3-22

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Hospital waste management is increasingly becoming important in Sri Lanka since mismanagement may lead severe adverse effect to the patients, health care workers (HCW) as well as to the community. The waste management practices of Infectious Disease Hospital is greatly important due to patients with infectious disease being managed in this specialized hospital.
To describe the knowledge and practices on hospital waste management and associated factors among health care workers of the Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH), Sri Lanka
A hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study in conducted in the Infectious Disease Hospital. All health care workers of IDH coming in contact with patients or their biological materials consisted the study population. A total of 209 hospital staff participated with a response rate of 85%. A self-administered questioner to assess knowledge and practices and a checklist to observe practices were used as study instruments.
The overall knowledge of HCW were satisfactory with a mean knowledge score of 84.4). Nursing officers had the highest knowledge score (mean=91.1) and paramedical staff and medical officers had a mean knowledge score of 89.8 and 86.9 respectively. The health care workers who had past training on waste management had a lower knowledge score (79.5) than who did not have past training (84.0). Mean practice score of the total sample was 66.6 which is not satisfactory when compared with the knowledge. Of self-reported practices, the lowest practice score was seen in medical officers. Observable correct practices of sections of the hospital varied with highest score in the ICU (87.5%) and lowest score (33.33%) in the OPD and clinic
Knowledge on hospital waste management is satisfactory among the health care workers with certain identified gaps in some categories. Practices of waste management is not satisfactory and needs effective and sustainable interventions. In overall context the knowledge, and practices of nursing officers are higher than the other categories. Continuous monitoring and evaluation leading to result based training are recommended to maintain a effective hospital waste management process.


Healthcare waste management, Healthcare staff, Infectious Disease Hospital, Knowledge, Practices


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Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022

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