1Shobana D. M.Com., MBA., NET., PGDCA., Ph.D (Pursuing),2 Dr. J.Suresh Kumar. M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
1Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, St.Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, St.Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i3-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
In 2020, India ranked 63rd out of 190 nations in Doing Business. With a ranking of 63rd, India has raised 79 places in the five years between 2014 and 2019. In 2018, the startup ecosystem grew at a rate of 15% year over year, while the number of incubators and accelerators expanded by 11%. (World et al., 2021) Significantly, the number of women entrepreneurs stood at 14 percent, up from 10 percent and 11 percent in the previous two years. Over the course of the year, startups in the country were able to create an estimated 40,000 new positions, bringing the overall number of jobs in the start-up ecosystem to 1.6-1.7 lakh. The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges that women entrepreneurs in India encounter.(Delhi, n.d.) For this purpose, the paper considers the opinions of women entrepreneurs and the Government Schemes supporting them along with the importance of Women Entrepreneurship for Empowerment. Objectives of the study: The objective of the present study is to analyze the challenges and schemes promoting women's entrepreneurship in India. Methodology: For analyzing the objective, the present study has fully relied on secondary data which was collected from census reports, records, and journals. Results: This paper concludes that even though the educational and economical struggles are there, the tribal women entrepreneurs are emerging in recent decades with the economical supportive schemes of the Government and they are raising their society too.
KEYWORDSWomen, Education, Entrepreneurship, Census, Literacy rates, India.
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5) For, A., & Loan, B. (n.d.). 9 GOVERNMENT SCHEMES FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN INDIA. http://beta.promedmail.org/direct.php?id=20111212.3579
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Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022

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