Bahriddin S. Umurzoqov
Doctor of Philological Sciences (PhD),Senior Lecturer, Department of Source Studies and Hermeneutics of Sufism, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies,
Senior researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8870-156X
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
This article is dedicated to the works of Fakhruddin Ali Safi Hirawi ibn Husayn Waz Kashifi (d. 939 / 1532-1533), a representative of the Herat Scientific and Literary School. The study analyzes significant issues in the field of textual and literary sources, such as the scientific and literary heritage of Fakhruddin Ali Safi Kashifi Hirawi, the number of works he wrote and the separation of them from Ali Safi’s pen, as well as clarifying the authorship of the works of father and son Kashifi.
The article also includes new works of the author from the Tashkent manuscripts – “Sharh-i Masnaviy-i ma’naviy” (“On the spiritual commentary of Masnaviy-I”), “Tuhfa-i Honiy” (“Gift to Honiy”), “Ghazal-i Ali Safiy”. ”(“ Ghazal of Ali Safi ”). These works are manuscripts of works of Ali Safi Hirawi Kashifi, which are still unknown to science, and the article provides the first scientific information about these works and their manuscripts.
These findings show that the number of Fakhruddin Ali Safi’s works is not limited to five or six, that the artist has a “Devon”, and that Ali Safi followed in the footsteps of his father, Mawlana Husayn Waz Kashifi.
KEYWORDSManuscripts, sources, “Sharh-i Masnavi” – “Lubb-i lubob”, “Kitab-i Ma’navi fi intihob-i al-Masnavi”, “Tuhfa-i Khaniy” (“Gift to Khaniy”), “Ghazal-i Ali Safiy ”,“ Devon ”(Collection of Gazelles), faith, ethics, mysticism, gnosis.
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Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022

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