1Penulis Ibrahim, 2Muhammad Ridha, 3Yusran, 4Imamul Hak
1,2,3,4Ushuluddin and Philosophy, State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar – Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i3-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study examines the implementation and practice of integrating Islamic and general science into the lecture process at the State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar. The process and efforts to realize the concept of scientific integration in the realm of policy and the process of its formation will be approached with a historical approach. Meanwhile, the practice of implementing scientific integration guidelines in lectures is approached sociologically, especially the limitations and problems of how this concept is practiced at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The results of this study conclude that at least the last two decades since IAIN changed to UIN ALauddin Makassar, have taken steps, namely: first, the process of seeding the idea of scientific integration, incorporating the idea of scientific integration into the vision and mission and implementing it into university policies that support the integration process. Second, integration efforts at UIN Alauddin are also carried out in the process of teaching courses and writing student scientific papers. Some of the efforts that have been made to realize integrative teaching of courses and scientific works are by attaching verses to courses, teaching integrative courses, implementing team teaching, memorizing chapter 30 for each UIN student and implementing Character Building Training for each student.
KeywordsScientific Integration, Islamic studies, General Science, UIN Alauddin Makassar
1) Minutes of senate meeting.
2) Lexi. J Moleong, Qualitative Research Methodology, (33th Cet: Bandung: Rosdakarya: 2014) p. 6
3) Azhar Arsyad. Cemara Cell Integration and Interconnection of Science and Religion in Nurman Said, Wahyuddin Halim, Muhammad Sabri (Editor) Synergy of Religion and Science (Makassar: ALauddin press, 2005) p. 93
4) Natsir Mahmud The paradigmatic foundation of the Islamization of Science in Nurman Said, Wahyuddin Halim, Muhammad Sabri (Editor) Synergy of Religion and Science (Makassar: Alauddin press, 2005) p.128
5) The pyramid of Knowledge science (–Ashlah al-Manifest Sadra). See Mohsen Gharawiyan, Introduction to understanding Islamic philosophy textbooks: explanations for approaching analysis of Islamic philosophical theory, trans. Muhammad Nur Djabir (Jakarta: Sadra Press, 2012), p. 102.
6) Guidelines for scientific integration in UIN Alauddin Makassar 2019 vii Siti Syakira and Dra. Hj. Andi Nirwana, M.Ag, interview (8 October 2019) viii Wahyuddin Halim, P.hD, interview (7 October 2019) ix Dr. Indo Santalia, M.Ag, interview (5 October 2019)
Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022
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