Michael Angelo A. Legarde
Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i3-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the middle of a worldwide health crisis that threatens lives and containment measures that endanger our way of life, we are confronted with the sobering reality that the world we return to will be irrevocably altered. Thus, this deadly situation has flipped the offline teaching process and paved the way towards online-based learning. In today's scenario, learning has stepped into the digital world, where teachers and students are virtually connected. It is also the time where the teaching and learning activities were immediately shifted to full web-based learning. Despite the obstacles faced by both teachers and learners, online learning has proven to be a cure for this unprecedented worldwide pandemic. Transitioning from conventional face-to-face learning to online learning may be a completely different experience for both learners and educators, which they must adjust to since there are few or no other options. Hence, in this research investigation, the researcher explored the construct validity of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in analyzing the factors that influence the acceptance of the use of technologies based on the user's perspective in a higher educational institution in the Philippines.
The analysis revealed that utilizing Google Classroom as an LMS was beneficial to the faculty members since it allowed them to complete their academic tasks swiftly and effortlessly. They also have positive attitude towards using LMS and agreed that using various online platforms was simple and easy for them. In addition, the findings also suggest that faculty members have had a great experience utilizing online learning through Google Classroom in their classes, and they are confident that they will continue to use this Learning Management System in the next school years and will promote it to their colleagues. Therefore, educational institutions should pay more attention on the development of its educational and ICT infrastructure most especially in this time of pandemic wherein web-based learning is the current trend in our educational landscape. Furthermore, policy makers should anchor their decisions on the findings of this study most especially on the procurement of various educational technologies and/or ICT infrastructures in their respective educational institutions. Also, educational administrators should develop an understanding on how various factors or variables significantly influences their intention to use a particular learning management system.
KEYWORDS:New Normal, Learning Management System, Technology Adoption, COVID-19 Pandemic
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Volume 05 Issue 03 March 2022
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