Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Jakarta 1, Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i2-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
During the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities are carried out online. One of them is the provision of information on Family Planning and Reproductive Health which must be provided to supervise family planning acceptors so that they do not experience discontinuation of contraceptive use. This study aimed to evaluate the provision of information on Family Planning and Reproductive Health provided online to the public. This study used a One-Shot Case Study design. The intervention given was the provision of contraceptive information through the WhatsApp group. The research sample was married women aged 15-49 years who used the pill and injection contraception in Lebak District. The number of samples in this study was 94 respondents. In this study, about 11% of married women stated that they had difficulty accessing contraceptive services during the COVID-19 pandemic. After being given information on Family Planning and Reproductive Health through WhatsApp groups, 66% of respondents stated that the intervention provided increased knowledge about contraception, 18% complained about the use of quotas, 6.4% stated that they could not understand because they were used to face-to-face. This study also explored information about suggestions for contraceptive service programs, namely 14.9% expects services and providing information on Family Planning and Reproductive Health to be carried out face-to-face and 12.8% recommended free contraceptive services. Conclusion. Providing information on Family Planning and Reproductive Health online is an alternative during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, during contraceptive services, health workers still directly provide information as needed. Information on payment for contraceptive services using health social security agency must be provided to acceptors and contraceptive service activities funded by the national family planning coordinating board must also be informed to increase the coverage of contraceptive use.
KeywordsInformation technology, family planning, contraception, covid-19
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