1Souleymane Dia, 2,3Alpha Cisse,3Mbacke Sembene, 4,5Rosnert Ludovic Alissoutin
1National Agency for youth Insertion and Agricultural Development (ANIDA), , Tambacounda, Senegal
2University Alioune Diop of Bambey, National College of Agricultural and Rural Studies (ISFAR), Crop Production Department, MB 54 Bambey, Senegal
3University Cheikh Anta DIOP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Département of Plant and Animal Biology, Laboratory of Botany and Biodiversity, Genetics, Entomology and Population management Research Group, MB 5005 Dakar, Senegal
4Higher Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management (ISEG), Dakar, Senegal
5University Gaston Berger, Saint Louis, Senegal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i2-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
The storage facilities of agricultural projects are not fully used by Senegalese producers. To appraise the non-appropriation, we used a mixed approach. First, we interviewed fifteen (15) officials and eight (08) farmers’ representatives. We identified five (05) clusters of factors: the low production, the project shortcomings, the unfavorable environment, the socio-cultural realities and the storage facility construction. Secondly, we surveyed a sample of seventy five (75) farmers. We found that stores are mainly used for inputs (48%) and cereals (22.7%). Low usage over time (below 6 months for 81.4% of farmers) and space (below 1/3 of the facility for 60% of farmers) derived from the low agricultural production (36%) and cultural habits (28%). We recommend an integrated PASTE solutions (Partnership, Administrative, Socio-cultural, Technical and Economic) model to overcome the non-appropriation of the storage facilities.
KEY WORD:non-appropriation – storage – project - integrated model –Senegal
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