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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

Impacts of Digital Transformation Capacity on Task Performance of Public Servant: A Case Study in Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs
Ha Thi Thu Huong
Hanoi University of Home Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-09

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Digital transformation has been effectively applied in the public sector in Vietnam, especially the ministries. This fact has received significant attention from scientists. Therefore, to supplement the evidence of previous studies and enrich the research literature, this study examines the impact of factors of the digital transformation capacity of public servant of Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs (Moha) on their task performance. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using an intentional sampling technique (n=200). A multivariate linear regression analysis technique was applied to prove the hypotheses. Research results show that all three factors, digital technology capabilities, digital transformation ethics, and digital transformation leadership, have a positive and meaningful impact on the task performance of Moha public servant. Among them, the most substantial impact belongs to digital technology capabilities. Therefore, this study implies that the Vietnamese government and the Moha need to pay attention to formulating policies to improve the digital transformation capacity of public servant in digital transformation.


digital technology capabilities; digital transformation ethics; task performance; public servant, Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs; digital transformation.


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