1Thanh Ha PHAM,2Thi Minh Khue NGUYEN
1VNU University of Social and Humanities, Phiosophy of department, Hanoi, Vietnam
2VNU University of Economics and Business, Center for Socio-Economic Analysis and Databases (CSEAD), Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
The environment is of particular importance to the existence and development of human life, living things and the economic, cultural and social development of the country. Currently, our living environment is being seriously polluted, it comes from many causes, the main one is human consciousness. This study aims to determine the factors that affect students' awareness of environmental protection in Hanoi city, thereby improving the education of students' awareness of environmental protection. in general, students of universities in Hanoi city in particular. Through the model PLS-SEM, the analysis results show that there are 5 main groups of factors affecting the awareness of environmental protection of students in Hanoi, including: (1) Education, (2) Culture, (3) Media, (4) Public awareness, (5) Community rules.
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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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