• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

The Party's Policy on Society-Economic Development in the Southeast Region
Dinh Thi Huyen
Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-32

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The Government has just issued Resolution No. 154/NQ-CP Action Program to implement Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the Politburo on socio-economic development and assurance of national defense and security in the Southeast region. Ministry to 2030, vision to 2045. The action program aims to concretize the goals, tasks and solutions mentioned in Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the Politburo in order to exploit and promote the efficiency, potential and advantages of each locality. in the region in particular and of the Southeast region in general, contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.


Development, key economic regions, planning, economy.


1) To develop key economic zones in Vietnam. Electronic Newspaper, Communist Party of Vietnam, March 22, 2010.

2) Vietnam Open Library of Learning Materials (VOER).

3) According to https://vnexpress.net/toan-canh-king-te-the-gioi-nam-2000-2661209.html

4) Socio-economic situation in 10 years from 1991-2000, General Statistics Office.

5) Decision No. 44/1998/QD-TTg on the approval of the master plan for socio-economic development of the Southern key region in the period from now to 2010.

6) Hoang Ngoc Phong (2010). Southern key economic region - the driving force for economic and social development of the whole country. Economic forecast magazine.

7) Nguyen Van Trinh (2008). Situation and solutions for sustainable growth of the Southern Key Economic Region. Economic Development Magazine.

8) Han Nguyen (2022). Southern and Southeast key economic regions: Achievements and new development missions. Online newspaper Communist Party of Vietnam.

9) https://thegioihoinhap.vn/thoi-su/5-giai-phap-phat-trien-kinh-te-vung-dong-nam-bo/

10) https://baomoi.com/ban-giai-phap-lien-ket-du-lich-vung-dong-nam-bo/c/44409680.epi

11) https://baoxaydung.com.vn/phat-trien-kinh-te-vung-dong-nam-bo-tang-suc-manh-cho-dau-tau-kinh-te-344975.html

Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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