Akbar Kh. Atamukhamedov
Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article reveals the essence of the game from several angles, namely from the pedagogical and aesthetic components that form one whole concept. Since ancient times, games have been used for various purposes: educational, training, entertaining, managerial, educational. The game model, simple and clear, always becomes entertaining and interesting. With the help of the game, the basics of upbringing and education are comprehended, traditions accumulated over the centuries are transmitted. Games act as stimulants, developing creative thinking, initiative, the ability to act together, subordinate their interests to collective ones, and perform tasks to achieve common goals. In Uzbekistan, great importance is attached to the competent implementation of game elements during mass celebrations. This is the embodiment of a competent policy of the state, in the transfer of knowledge to the younger generation, through game elements. Spectacular mass performances are particularly charming due to the combination of folklore elements with modern musical means, which allow creating a truly deep, national flavor and filling them with relevant modern sound. The musical and artistic traditions of creating a patriotic song are rooted in folk art. In the history of mankind, they will remain one of the enduring, eternal components of being. Folk holidays cannot be created artificially: they have been formed over thousands of years, incorporating rich traditions, cultural values, and humanistic principles.
KEYWORDS:game, pedagogical components, directing, educational technologies, upbringing, education, philosophy, pedagogy, thinking.
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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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