1Ni Gst. Ag. Gde. Eka Martiningsih, 2I Made Suryana,3I Ketut Arnawa
1,2,3Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
Understanding food security in Indonesia still requires a common point of view. This is important because it will affect the parameters and indicators of the achievement of the program that is the target in the implementation of accelerating food security at the community level. One of the studies conducted in Bali showed that participation in the food security program received a very high response, namely from 35 respondents, 75% of respondents stated that the program was very important for the sustainability of food supply. Of all respondents who gave a positive response, it was influenced by age, number of families and ownership of arable land. From this study it is also proven that with the influence of the number of families and the area of land ownership on food security, then for the achievement of the food security program, the actual benchmark or indicator of achievement is family food security. This is very relevant to the concept of food security which is already understood by the community that with the existence of strong family food security, food security in a broader sense will be easier to achieve.
KEYWORDS:participation, acceleration, family food security, knowledge
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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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