Ronia Liza Mathew
Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science & Technology Kochi – 682022, Kerala, India
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Financial satisfaction is the subjective measure of financial well-being, and it indicates the level of satisfaction perceived by the individuals with regard to various aspects of their financial situations and investment decisions. Financial behaviour is the fundamental component which enhances investors’ financial satisfaction which is a subjective measure of financial well-being. Investors’ choice criteria for selecting stocks determines investors’ financial behaviour. This study examined the potential effects of investors’ choice criteria on their financial behaviour. Simple Regression analysis was performed using SPSS for analysing the data collected from 200 individual investors. The statistical results indicated that choice criteria and financial behaviour positively influence investors’ financial satisfaction. This study adds to the existing body of literature by providing insight into the influence of choice criteria on financial behaviour among investors in Indian equity market.
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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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