1Jun Liao ,2Yuanyuan Gao,3Keji Liu
1,2,3School of Management Science & Technology, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Bengbu Anhui, 233030, China
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
In this paper, Bengbu City, Anhui Province, China, was selected as the study area, based on three phases of multispectral image data in 2000, 2010 2020, to reflect the dynamic land use change characteristics of Bengbu City in the last decade in detail, used ArcGIS software for data processing, through the transfer matrix, land use dynamic attitude, land use change amplitude, respectively, the land use characteristics in the study area and its overall change trend were quantitatively assessed, and the future land use evolution of Bengbu City was predicted by simulation using Markov model. The results show that the overall change of land use structure in Bengbu City during the 20 years is mainly the decrease of cultivated land and the increase of man-made surface, and although the transfer out of cultivated land is greater than the transfer in, cultivated land is still the most dominant land use type in Bengbu City during the study period, accounting for more than 70% of the total land area, and it is predicted that the overall change of land use in Bengbu City in the future is still mainly the decrease of cultivated land, while the area of man-made surface continues to show an increasing trend year by year. the trend of the increasing year by year.
KEYWORDS:remote sensing; dynamic land use change; Markov model; Bengbu City
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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