1Surbhi Mahajan,2Harpreet Singh,3Ekta Singh Suneja,4Parvinder Singh Baweja,5Pooja Sood,6Kavisha Bajaj
1Post Graduate student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College, Ludhiana.
2Principal & Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College, Ludhiana
3Professor and Head of Department Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College, Ludhiana.
4Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College, Ludhiana.
5Professor, Department of conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College, Ludhiana.
6Post Graduate student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College,Ludhiana.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-08Google Scholar Download Pdf
Early Tooth loss in humans caused by caries and dental trauma has a serious impact on their oral health-related quality of life. Different approaches such as removable dentures, fixed prosthesis, tooth autotransplantation, allotransplantation & dental implants have been in practice to restore the lost tooth structure, but none of them is completely successful as they present with problems with biocompatibility, inflammatory changes, and failures thus making the problem further more complex. Hence, the development of new methods of tooth replacement has become important. Stem cell-based tissue engineering which can recapitulate the in vivo environment has shown that dental, non-dental, embryonic, and adult stem cells can contribute to teeth formation under favorable circumstances. The concept of ‘Bioroot’ with supporting evidence that stem cell populations may be present in human teeth provides the opportunity to consider biological tooth replacement. This article enlightens the concept of stem cell-mediated bio root regeneration and their literature evidence and the significance of bio root formation as a potent tooth replacement tool in the future.
KEYWORDS:bio root, biofactors – cell sheets,tooth regeneration, scaffold, stem cells
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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