1Diego,Arsenio,2Canet,Lena,3De Luna,Maria Cecilia,4Pulumbarit, Catherine,5Cajanding, Louisito
1Lyceum of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
2,3,4,5Bulacan State University Hagonoy Campus, Bulacan, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-04Google Scholar Download Pdf
Since online learning has become more common, academic dishonesty has become more pervasive. A trend of academic dishonesty had developed as a result of all the difficulties and challenges in this new educational system as well as the effects of the pandemic. By examining the actual experiences of students who utilize the services of the online academic commission, the observation intended to contribute to the existing body of literature on this trend. A qualitative, phenomenological study approach was employed to grasp the significance of the lived experiences of the students receiving services from online academic commissions. Snowball sampling was used in the selection of the participants and Collaizzi's seven-step technique analysis for the phenomenological approach was used in this study.
KEYWORDS:phenomenology, academic dishonesty, qualitative research, pandemic, online learning, Collaizzi’s technique analysis
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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