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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

Children’s Basic Etiquette Learning in Mobile Application
1Erika Atmaja,2Wirawan Istiono
1,2Universitas Multimedia Nusantara & Jl. Scientia Boulevard, Curug Sangereng Kelapa dua, Tangerang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-37

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The level of value and ethical crisis that occurs in children still tend to be found in society. It could be influenced by parenting patterns and observed based on daily interactions (talk and behave). Improving children’s understanding can be done through a game because it is considered to be an effective way and able to provide entertainment for children. This research uses the modern method from the Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm for randomizing quiz questions because it has linear time complexity and constant space complexity. Based on the results of testing using a questionnaire to 38 respondents, the score of player satisfaction using the GUESS-18 calculation method is 82.08% which is a value with the predicate ’Good’. For the comparison of quiz scores on the pretest and post-test questions given, there were 86.84% of players managed to experience an increase in ethical development after completing learning through the game My Little Adventurer.


Children Etiquette Learning; Educational Application; Fisher-Yates Algorithm; Mobile Application



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