1Tolaev Bobur Bakhodir o’g’li,2Rakhmatullaeva Kamola Boratovna,3Ibragimov Orifjon Alimakhamatovich, 4Inamov Aziz Nizamovich
1"TIIAMI" NRU, graduate student of ES and RES department
2"SamSIAC" basic doctoral student
3Director of "Carthography" SSP enterprise,(PhD)
4"TIIAME" NRU, associate professor of G and GI department, ( PhD )
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article is based on foreign experiences of mapping alternative energy sources, developing a regional and local level database and maps on the use of alternative energy resources, collecting statistical data on wind, solar, small water flows, geothermal resources, natural and Schematization of socio-economic indicators is dedicated to the analysis of the results of scientists who are conducting certain scientific research works on the use of alternative energy resources in our country today.
KEYWORDSalternative energy, GIS, NREL USA, electronic database, thematic layers and electric energy.
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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