1Siti Hardianti,2Albari
1,2Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Indonesian Islamic University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study was to examine product quality on price, brand image, and its impact on consumer loyalty to Iphone products in a case study of adolescents aged 17-22 years in Yogyakarta. The population used is all teenagers aged 17-22 who use Iphone in Yogyakarta, and the sample is a portion of teenagers who use Iphone in Yogyakarta as many as 166 respondents. The sampling technique uses Non-Probability Sampling, namely convenience sampling. The analysis used uses the SEM method and the AMOS application program version 22.0. Data variables used in this include quality, brand image, price, and consumer loyalty. These variables form six hypotheses. The results of data analysis show that product quality has a positive effect on brand image, price, and consumer loyalty. Prices have a positive effect on image and consumer loyalty. Image has a positive effect on consumer loyalty.
KEYWORDSquality, price, brand image, consumer loyalty
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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