1Harun Ahmad,2Endang Sumarti,3Yunita Anas Sriwulandari,4Artifa Sorraya
1,2,3,4Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
The existence of the novel Gadis Pantai, is a form of a record of Pramoedya Ananta Toer's long journey full of information and factual data derived from in-depth research and experiences deeply rooted in his thinking so that it is interesting to study in the perspective of Michel Foucault's critical discourse. The approach used is a qualitative research approach with Michel Foucault's critical discourse analysis method. The steps taken are to identify to identify then analyzed and concluded. After being analyzed using these approaches and methods, the following results were obtained. First, the relationships of the Gadis Pantai with her parents show hegemonic-exploitative powers. Second, Bendoro's relations with The Gadis Pantai as Mas Nganten are the powers of inequality-exploitative, and meaninglessness. Third, The Gadis Pantai's resistance to Bendoro is a form of open resistance head-to-head due to the emergence of the Gadis Pantai's existential consciousness to fight for her right as a mother even though it ended in vain because the Gadis Pantai was powerless in the face of Bendoro's strong power. However, at least, Gadis Pantai has shown that women are not always the second sex, the other, let alone Mas Nganten, they also have rights and will always fight to determine their own destiny.
KEYWORDSdiscourse, Mas Nganten, power relations, ideology, existential consciousness
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