1Sarmiento, Aileen P.,2Layo, Pamela Dianne Faye S.
1Lyceum of the Philippines University, Manila, Philippines
2University Of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan North Cotabato, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
Hospitality management education has been a widely studied area. It has been studied by many authors by which and is still in deliberation in a true meaning. As the hospitality industry and a service-oriented area, most of the programs put more weight on industry demands and expectations, and opinions. As a result, most of the relevant program studies tend to focus on the employer’s perspective, with very few focusing on the actual recipients and providers of education. The study was conducted to determine the competency assessment of hospitality management educators and hospitality industry employees in the province of Cotabato. A descriptive-correlational research design was utilized, and respondents were selected through random sampling. In addition, the scope of the extent of literature either focused only on one discipline (restaurant) or on hospitality in general, leaving the comparison of the relevant competencies between the core industries of hospitality, hotel management, and food and beverage management and the universities Furthermore, the weighted mean with its corresponding verbal description was used to determine the competency assessment of hospitality management educators and the hospitality industry, and spearman-rank correlation to determine the relationship between competencies taught by hospitality management educators and competencies demanded by the hospitality industry. Results show that competencies taught by hospitality management educators have no significant relationship to the responses in the competencies demanded with a correlation coefficient of 0.304 and a probability of 0.103 and there was a significant relationship between the competencies taught and demanded by the hospitality Industry in Cotabato, Province.
KEYWORDSCompetencies, Competency-based education, Competency models, Hospitality management education, Hospitality industry
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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