• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

The Relationship Between Social Supervision Received by Indonesian Citizens of Chinese Decision and its Integration with the Original Indonesia in Babakan Sub-District Bandung
1Joyakin Tampubolon,2Syamsuddin AB
1 College of Administrative Sciences, Menarasiswa Bogor
2Social Welfare State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-19

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This study is about the relationship between social supervision of Chinese descent and native Indonesian citizens with the aim of knowing the characteristics of Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent who receive social supervision and who integrate with indigenous Indonesian citizens and the relationship between social supervision received by Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent and integration with citizens of China. indigenous. The research method is a descriptive correlative method, with a stratified random sampling technique. The sample studied was 43 people, to obtain data to prove the hypothesis used documentation study techniques and questionnaires based on an ordinal scale consisting of very high, high, medium, low, and very low. To prove the hypothesis for acceptance of Ho and Hi, statistical test of sperm rank correlation was used at TS 0.05. The results of the study indicate that the integration of Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent is quite good but still needs further guidance and development. The data show that the social integration of the community cannot be separated from the social supervision of the community. The results of statistical analysis prove that there is a relationship between social supervision received by Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent and their integration with native Indonesian citizens. On the other hand, the social control carried out by indigenous people is still weak, such as acceptance of their existence, their involvement in various community activities. To further ensure better integration, in the effort to integrate the community, suggestions are proposed aimed at improving and implementing the informal social control function through neighborhood associations and social organizations.


Relations, Social Control, Chinese Integration, Indigenous Peoples


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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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