1Santa Cabrera,2Gabriela López Quesada
1Ministry of Education IDEICE-MINERD. Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.
2Centro Universitario CIFE – Facilitador. El Colegio de México - Coordinación de Idiomas
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i11-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The general objective of the study is to develop a methodology with the integration of technology for the development of linguistic competence in the learning process of the English language, as a foreign language at the pre-university level of the Dominican educational system, and thus positively influence compliance. of the objectives foreseen in the curricular design (linguistic level B2)
For the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, the various scientific methods of theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical research are used. For data collection, two questionnaires addressed to teachers were used to publicize the methodologies that are implemented for the development of linguistic skills in the teaching of English as a foreign language at pre-university levels, generating a scientific contribution for its contribution and improvement. . The results obtained from the research indicate a group satisfaction index by teachers of 0.9, thanks to the strategies and their impact on the development of linguistic skills as a foreign language, taking advantage of the influence of families. Likewise, a favorable rating was obtained in the activity plan for teacher training. On the other hand, the application of focus group techniques in which the methodological conceptions and the teacher training plan are considered. Finally, recommendations are made for the strengthening of these activities and at the same time, collaborate to continue with the effectiveness of the strategies in linguistic competences.
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Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2022

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