1Daryono, 2Ary Yunanto, 3Irma Suryahani, 4Bambang, 5Viviana Mayasari
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED & Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No.708 Grendeng Purwokerto, Central Java INDONESIA 53122
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-08Google Scholar Download Pdf
Entrepreneur Engagement University (EEU) complete model with learning tools needed by teaching staff to provide problem based learning teaching patterns that can touch the entrepreneurial side. It is time for lecturers to direct creativity and dedicate to students that educated entrepreneurs will provide enormous benefits. Not just teaching, but has penetrated to create new job opportunities for graduates in the future. The role of the lecturer is as an inspiration, motivator, and facilitator to produce graduates who are able to make a major contribution to themselves and others. Therefore, every lecturer and teacher must be equipped with a project based system learning methodology, to foster entrepreneurs for students.
This study aimed to find a proven Career Path Progression (CCP) model so that it could be used as a bridge in forming wthe ork readiness of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman International Program graduates. This study used a research and development model from Gall, Gall and Borg (2014). A test was conducted to test whether the model developed met practical and effective criteria. The test was carried out with conceptual validation in the model planning building stage. The validated planning concept was then built on an initial product that could be applied. The test subjects were selected purposively, that was taking the test subjects. The results of the validation of the model guide quantitatively were that the model guide could be well understood by the validators. The resulting evaluation was not enough to measure only the level of satisfaction of participants during the implementation of the program, but also seen in the acquisition of knowledge and skills indicated by changes in bbehaviorand products generated after they implemented CPP.
KEYWORDS:Curriculum Development; Career Path Progression Model. Entrepreneur Engagement University (EEU)
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