1Deby Eka Supadma, 2Nabila Alya Azzahra, 3Agusni Karma, 4Tri Riana Lestari, 5Rina Fitriana Rahmawati
1,2,3,4,5Prosthetics Orthotics Department, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta I, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Standing for more than 20 minutes causes’ low back pain (LBP). Students majoring in prosthetics orthotics need to practice and stand for more than 2 hours per day. Long standing requirement is un-avoided in students, causing musculoskeletal disorder such as low back pain. The characteristics of shoes are important in development and treatment of lower back conditions. Shoes have several features, which play important roles in posture stability. Usage of shoes with certain characteristics may contributes to low back pain in students.
To determine relationship between shoes characteristics and standing duration on low back pain in orthotic prosthetics students.
Correlational quantitative method with cross-sectional design. Purposive sampling used in order to obtain sample of 30 people. Independent variables are the suitability of the shoes used, firmness of shoes soles, heel counter of shoes, and standing duration. Dependent variable is low back pain.
The relationship between the suitability of the shoes used and low back pain obtained p value of 0.141. Relationship between firmness of shoes sole and low back pain obtained p value of 0.355. Relationship between shoes heel counter and low back pain obtained p value of 0.948. Relationship between standing duration and low back pain obtained p value of 0.01. Conclusion: Appropriate of shoes used, firmness of shoes soles, heel counter of shoes, do not have significant relationship with the LBP. Standing duration has significant relationship with LBP.
Appropriate of shoes used, firmness of shoes soles, heel counter of shoes, do not have significant relationship with the LBP. Standing duration has significant relationship with LBP.
Low Back Pain, Shoes Characteristics, orthotics prosthetics
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