Lung-Tan Lu
Department of Management, Fo Guang University, Taiwan
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According to the WHO definition, health as a state of physical, mental and social integrity, not just the absence of disease, the truly healthy (first state) and patients (third state) are less than 25%, and 75% of the people are in the Sub-health state (second state). This paper distinguishes a fourth state: recovering, outside the three statuses. When the patient in the second state enters the fourth state and is handled properly, he can move to the first state, otherwise, if the patient is not handled properly, he will return to the second state. We propose a Comprehensive Healthcare Model to integrate the three parts: (1) Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social Dimensions, (2) Western Medicine, Eastern Medicine and Folklore Therapy, Religions and Beliefs, Sports and Martial Arts Approaches, and (3) Health, Sub-health, Illness, and Recovering Status for the further research..
KEYWORDS:healthcare, spiritual, medicine, religion, sports
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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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