Nguyen Thi Bich Hang
Hanoi Universiry
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Since Vietnam is integrating internationally in all aspects of social life, more and more foreigners are learning Vietnamese. However, there are still very few quantitative studies on teaching and learning Vietnamese idioms effectively. This study aims to fill the theoretical gap and provide more evidence on the factors affecting Vietnamese idiom learning effectiveness. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using a targeted sampling technique (n=100). The multiple linear regression models is applied to prove the hypotheses. The R language is used to analyze research data. The research results show that the willingness to learn Vietnamese and the strategy to learn Vietnamese have a positive and significant impact on the effectiveness of learning Vietnamese idioms. The results of this study continue to confirm the role of cognitive techniques in learning idioms as the results of previous studies.
KEYWORDS:idioms, Vietnamese, cognition, culture , teaching, learning
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