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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

Planned Behavior and Social Pressure on Healthcare Workers' Intention to Participate in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Vietnam
1Le Thanh Huyen,2Pham Van Dai,3Le Thu Huong
1,2,3Hanoi Universiry of Home Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-47

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The fourth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic forced medical workers to make sacrifices for a happy time, rest time, and time to take care of their families to join the frontline against the epidemic. To add to the evidence of previous studies on participatory behavior against the COVID-19 pandemic and to enrich the research literature and policy proposals for the Government of Vietnam, this study applies theory of planned behavior, and social pressure explores the intention of health workers to participate in the COVID-19 pandemic response in Vietnam. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using a purposive sampling technique (n=200). Multivariate linear regression analysis and moderator regression were applied to prove the proposed hypotheses. Research results show theory of planned behavior and social pressure may explain healthcare workers' intentions to participate in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The social pressure plays a moderator role in the relationship between the subjective norms and the intention.


Theory of Planned Behavior; social pressure; medical staff; The COVID-19 pandemic; Vietnam


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