• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

The Availability and Adequacy, and Level of Importance of the Facilities and Services Offered by Hotel Fragaria: An Input for Partnership Program
1Rosario, Florida S., 2Bawang, Amelia G. , 3Qunitos, Rochelle B., 4Flores, Rodeliza A.
1Lyceum of the Philippines University, Manila
2,3,44Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-40

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This study was conducted to examine, evaluate and standardize the facilities and service quality of Hotel Fragaria based on its accommodation classification to provide an avenue for the researchers to create a project proposal for an extension service and will be proposed as a related learning venue for Bachelor of Hospitality Management students' outcomes-based education program as an actual learning experience. The researchers employed both descriptive and inferential statistics in utilization in the analyses of the data. The descriptive part includes the computation of the mean to describe the level of availability and adequacy as well as the level of importance of the services and facilities of the five areas of Hotel Fragaria. The researchers made used of structured questionnaire based on the Department of Tourism National Accommodation Standards in data gathering for the in-house guests’ respondents and convenience sampling was used in the data collection. The results of the study shows that “public areas” were rated the highest-level while “food and beverages” the lowest. However, regardless the observed differences, the ratings for all the listed facilities are descriptively interpreted as “available and adequate” .In terms of the level of importance, all facilities are deemed “extremely important”. The correlation between the level of availability and adequacy, and level of importance of such facilities and services. It can be observed that the correlation coefficient is significantly different from zero only for the case of the facilities “guestrooms” and “food and beverages.” Specifically, the level of availability and adequacy is positively but weakly related to the level of importance under “guestrooms” and “food and beverages.


Level of Importance, Guest Satisfaction, Availability and Adequacy, Hotel Services, Hotel Facilities


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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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