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  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

Adult’s Attitudes Towards Disability in the Greek Community
1Polyzopoulou Konstantia, 2Tsakiridou Helen
1Department of Public and One Health University of Thessaly Karditsa, 43100, Greece
2Professor of Applied Statistics and Research Methodology Department of Regional and Cross Border Development Studies University of Western Macedonia Koila, 50100, Kozani, Greece
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-38

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Social environment consists of a vital place where all human beings can run their lives and participate in a multidimensional way in the daily activities of life. In that environment, people express their thoughts, feelings and behavior, developing in order to communicate and share their lives with the others. All these expressions consist attitudes that influence the way they co-exist with everyone in the society. Each member of the society possesses unique abilities and special needs and contribute in an important grade in the promotion of social living. Studying attitudes of individuals towards disability is useful as a key factor in integrating these individuals into society. The present study involved 150 people who completed the Attitudes Towards Persons with Disabilities (ATDP-Form B) scale. The results showed that overall a moderately positive attitude towards people with disabilities develops, without any differences between the groups in terms of gender, year of birth, educational level, contact with a friend or relative with a disability. Interpretations of the results are commented based on existing research.


disability, adults, attitudes, inclusion, social environment


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