Benjamin B. Rabago Jr,PhD
Master Teacher,I, Department of Education–Alos National High School,Senior High School Department, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
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The study explored the significance of English text readability and reading comprehension proficiency of grade 11 senior high school students. English teachers validated the 45-item reading comprehension test and the reading comprehension intervention materials. Fifteen subjects of the study (who got the lowest pretest score) were selected from the class who got the lowest mean score in the pretest. It made use of the quasi experimental method where the subjects undergone reading comprehension lessons with English texts of varied readability level (high, fair, and low). Pretest and posttest scores are compared. Results indicated that there is a considerable increase in the mean score in the posttest (13.13) as compared to the pretest mean score (10.53). Further, there is significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores (p < 0.05) and that English test readability has substantial effect on reading comprehension.
KEYWORDS:readability, reading comprehension, senior high school, English text, students
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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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