• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

Analysis of the Right to Participation of Children
Chirugu Gianina
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-27

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The purpose of the paper is to present the rights to participation of children and how these rights are implemented and respected. This paper is original through the research theme, which is of great relevance, this being demonstrated by the statistical data and the projects started at national level to promote the rights to participation of children. The objectives of this paper are as follows: Presentation of the main rights of children, analysis of international and national legislation on children’s participation rights, analysis of how this right of children is respected by the institutions of the world and those of our country, analysis of the implementation and observance of the right to participation of the child in the local community. The results of the research came to the following conclusions: the right to participate allows children to have a say in their lives. They give children the opportunity to express their opinions, discuss issues they consider important, and seek and receive information relevant to them.


children, rights, participation, social work, education


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2) Lansdown, G. 1995 Taking Part: Children’s Participation in Decision-Making. IPPR: London.

3) Adams, E. and Ingham, S. 1998 Changing Places: Children’s Participation in Environmental Planning. The Children’s Society, London.

4) O’Kane, C. and Sen, I. 2001 In Search of Fair Play: Street and Working Children Speak about Their Rights. Butterflies and Mosaic: India.

5) Milner, P. and Carolin, B. eds. 1999 Time to listen to children. Routledge, London.

6) Alderson, P. 1995 Listening to Children: Children, Ethics and Social Research, Barnardos, Essex.

Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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