1E. Yohana, 1Syaiful, 2Indra Sakti Rahyang, 1dan Naufal Fajar Pramudya, 3,4Shofwan Bahar
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
2Completion Tools Department, Operation Management Team, PT Halliburton Indonesia
3Doctoral Student at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Muria Kudus University, Kudus, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
The completion process in oil and gas production is one of the most important steps and affects to the final result of the entire process. In actual conditions, many things must be considered in the completion process. One of the most important things is about tubing movement. Tubing movement is the movement of tubing caused by differences in pressure and temperature in the well. Tubing movement can cause deformation of the tubing structure, and if the selection of tubing and packer is not appropriate, it can cause damage to the tubing or well structure. Calculating tubing movement can be done by calculating the total movement and force generated by this four tubing movement effects, which is: temperature effect, ballooning effect, buckling effect, and piston effect. The case study analyzed in this proposal is horizontal well X, and has a total tubing movement of 13,48 in elongation, or produces a force of 47.864,36 lbs. Because the value is positive, the force that applies is the compression force. By knowing the total force and displacement generated by the tubing movement, the engineer can design what type of packer will be used. For the case study in this report, it can be concluded that a force of 47.864,36 lbs can still be resisted by tubing which has a body yield strength specification of 361.000 lbs. Therefore, the tubing can be design to use a no slip packer where there is no movement between the tubing and the packer.
KEYWORDS:Oil and gas, completion process, tubing movement
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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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