Syifa Rana Tsary
Faculty of Law, Slamet Riyadi University, Jl. Sumpah Pemuda No.18, Surakarta City, Central Java Province, Indonesia
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This study examines the existence of a marketplace to meet the needs of the e-commerce-based community and legal protection for consumers in the event of a default that harms them due to online transactions without a trusted third-party intermediary as joint account holders. The formulation of the problem discussed is how a marketplace among the public facilitates online shopping, and how is legal protection for consumers who transact without a joint account? The research method used is normative and literature study based on primary materials (laws), secondary materials (scientific works, journals, books, documents, and other literature), and tertiary legal materials (legal dictionaries). The study results are that the ease of transacting online makes people start to depend on the existence of e-commerce platforms and marketplaces with various exciting features. If there is a default in transactions carried out without a joint account, legal protection can be given to consumers through complaints to the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency), which is resolved through litigation or non-litigation.
KEYWORDS:Marketplace, Electronic Transactions, Legal Protection, Joint Account, Good Faith
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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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