1Devi Arina Avrita Putri,2Sri Umiyati,3Arfah
1,2,3Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
It is increasingly difficult for the community to obtain health services due to the high cost of health care. In 2020 cancer treatment has absorbed BPJS funds of 3.1 trillion rupiah. The high number of breast cancer (Carcinoma Mammaee) in Indonesia is a priority for the Government. With this, the Government strengthens medical services for the treatment of breast cancer patients, by regulating the distribution of health services for cancer patients to make it easier for patients to access adequate health services. In 2021 RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya received a certificate of appreciation from BPJS Health for his real commitment and contribution in providing the best service for JKN-KIS participants in the category A class A Hospital Surabaya branch. Thus, researchers want to know more about how the implementation of the policies of the Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) in serving outpatients at the Oncology Poly RSPAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya as a plenary type A hospital. Using the theory of policy implementation according to George Edward III (1980), with the variables of communication, resources, disposition, and organizational structure. By using qualitative research methods and data collection techniques interview, observation, and documentation. Although there are obstacles in implementing the BPJS program at RSAL Dr. Ramelan, but this can be handled well by the efforts made by RSPAL Dr. Ramelan. It is recommended that in the implementation in the field more strengthening of health workers either directly or indirectly. Comprehensive socialization in every part of the hospital from the bottom to the top RSPAL Dr. Ramelan starts from written or unwritten policies. Facilitate the use of BPJS for new breast cancer patients seeking treatment.
KEYWORDS:Implementation, BPJS Program, Health Services
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Volume 05 Issue 10 October 2022

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