1Maria do Rosário Anjos, 2Joaquim da Veiga Cepeda
1Associate Professor - Lusófona University, Porto, Portugal
Researcher on Portucalense Institute of Legal Researcher and CEAD Francisco Suárez
2Master in Law - Lusófona University, Porto, Portugal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
Access to cross-border healthcare in the European Union (EU) is promoted by Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011. The aim is to promote patient mobility and the possibility of access to new treatment opportunities and an EU-wide health service. The focus of this paper is the analysis of the Directive, its scope and its consequences in Portugal. The concept of cross-border healthcare provision means the possibility for an EU citizen to have access to healthcare in another Member State, bordering the state of his nationality. The directive imposes rules for patients' access to cross-border healthcare. The idea is to ensure freedom of choice and access to high-quality cross-border healthcare in the EU, and to do so by ensuring patient mobility. As stated by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the main objective is to promote cooperation on healthcare between member states, while respecting all national competences on the organization and delivery of healthcare. In this paper we analyze the assumptions of access to cross-border healthcare, from transparent information to the removal of administrative obstacles and treatment costs in host countries. We also analyze the terms of the transposition of the Directive into Portuguese law, and in particular the introduction of the mechanism of subordination to prior authorization.
The methodology adopted is based on a theoretical framework that includes the study of legislation, jurisprudence and reports from the European institutions. We also try to access some data on cross-border health care in times of pandemic from COVID 19.
The results show some inconsistencies in the transposition of the Directive in Portugal and also regulatory flaws. The possibility of "reverse discrimination" between Portuguese and nationals of other member states is one example. Safeguarding the quality of this type of healthcare requires a more assertive intervention by EU health regulators.
KEYWORDS:Competition; Cross-border health services; EU health services market; Reverse discrimination; Services of general interest
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