1Aidanajwa Sabri, 2Ahmad Martadha Mohamed
1,2School of Government, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i10-01Google Scholar Download Pdf
The concept of active ageing has gained significance in aging due to the need for integrated approach towards understanding the aged. For this purpose, the data collected from questionnaires distributed to 489 older people living in residential care facilities provided by Government, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and private sector in Malaysia were analysed quantitatively. Three dimensions of active ageing were assessed, named health, meaningful leisure and social environment. The results provide a comprehensive understanding of elderly and carries various implications for research and policy making.
KEYWORDS:Elderly, Active Ageing, Residential Care Facilities, Older People, Meaningful Leisure, Social Environment, Health
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