• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022

A Comparative Study on Webpage Browsing Performance between Proprietary and Open Source Operating Systems on Wireless Networks
1Sharra Mae B. Fernandez, 2Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan, 3Mary Jane V. Esimos, 4Audrey Karyl P. Maligang, 5Sheila Mae S. Pagayonan, 6April Rose A. Zaragosa
1,2,3,4,5,6Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia, Iloilo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-07

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This experimental research study determined and compared the webpage browsing performance of proprietary and open source operating systems on wireless networks. It was intended to reveal the significant differences in the webpage browsing performance between proprietary and open source operating systems on wireless networks when classified as to hardware specifications and type’s web content. The researchers used the JavaScript Console of the Google Chrome web browser application to determine the time of the webpage to fully load. Operating system was the independent variable. Hardware specifications which were classified as old system and new system and types of web content which was also classified as static and dynamic webpages were the intervening variables. Webpages browsing performance was the dependent variable. The statistical tools used were arithmetic mean, and t-test. It also revealed that there were significant differences in the webpage browsing performance between proprietary and open source operating system on wireless networks when classified as to hardware specification and web content. The proprietary and open source operating systems were statistically different when classified as to hardware specifications and type of web content.


Open Source Operating Systems, Performance, Proprietary System, Webpage Browsing, Wireless Networks Proprietary


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5) WELLS, D. 2009. Basic Computer Concepts. PhilippineEdition,5 Shenton Way #01-01 UIC Building Singapore:engage Learning.

Electronic Resource
1) Average Page Load Time of Top Ranking Websites in Google.Retrieved from http://www.seochat.com/c/a/google-Optimization-help/averge-page-load-time-of-top-Ranking-websites-in-google/; Retrieved on: January 18,2013

2) Evolution of Networking. Retrieved fromhttp://www.bizymoms.com/computers-and- technology/network-evolution.html; November 21, 2012

3) http://www.answers.com/topic/proprietary-perating-system;Retrieved on January 11, 2013

4) http://www.wright edu.com/definition/wireless workstation; Retrieved on February 22, 2012

5) http://www.wifinotes.com/computer-hardware-

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7) http://www.wisegeek.com/defintion/dynamic-and-static; Retrieved on January 22, 2012

8) Like New Computers Definition. Retrieved fromwww.likenewcomputers.com/status.php; Retrieved onJanuary 21, 2013

Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022

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