Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan
Institute of Information and Computer Studies, NORTHERN ILOILO POLYTECHNIC STATE COLLEGE Main Campus, Estancia, Iloilo
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The NIPSC Library is currently using manual-based in keeping the theses and dissertation in order to save more time and easy way of finding related literature, an alternative solution to solve the current problem was developed. The “Theses and Dissertations Abstract E-Archiving System with SMS Support”, a system provides borrowers with real-time information in finding related literature. The architectural design used in this system is N-tier architecture. Since it is connected to the Local Area Network inside the library, the researchers can easily access the resources in wired and wireless network to help the Librarians and the researchers inside and outside the library to access the electronic archiving, the collections of abstract theses and dissertations in wired and wireless network to view, download in jpeg format for the protection of copyright and IPR law which can be printed in real-time. The developed Theses and Dissertations Abstract E-Archiving System with SMS Support was based on the result and findings of surveys, electronic archiving of theses and dissertations were accessible just in time, the developed system can perform its required functions efficiently while sharing a common environment and resources without detrimental the impact on any other product.
KeywordsTheses, Dissertations, Abstract, E-Archiving System, SMS Support
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Information Engineering and Applications” ISSN 2224-5782 ISSN 2225-0506 Vol.3, No.10,
5) Rodriguez, K. (2016). “Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDS)A Literature Review”. Retrieved on June 2, 2016, from
6) Signori, B. (2014) “ : collecting and archiving online theses at the Swiss National Library National Universities
commission, National virtual library”. Retrieved on May 28, 2016, from African Studies Companion Online.
7) Singh, P. K. and Kumar, R. (2011). “Automatic Response System Using SMS”. International Journal of Engineering
Research and General Science 2(2)Feb-Mar 2014 ISSN 2091-2730
Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022
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