Alisher Nasimov
Researcher, Karshi State University Karshi, Uzbekistan
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The article presents some studies reflecting the historiography of the ethnology of the southern regions in the first years of independence, including K.Sh. Shaniyozova, A.A. Askarova, B.A. Akhmedova, I. Jabborova, A.A. Ashirova, O.Burieva, F. Ochildieva and others. Kayumov, N. Tursunov, R. Radzhabov, M. Usmanov, O. Dzhurakulov, P. Ravshanov, local historian B. Pulatova and others.
To date, no special scientific works on the historiography of ethnology of the southern regions of Uzbekistan have been carried out and scientific literature on this topic has not been published. Basically, the study provides information about the main components that are actively involved in the formation of the Uzbek people. In addition, attempts have been made to show that the southern regions of Uzbekistan have been home to settlers since ancient times and that Uzbek tribes mingled with settlers who have lived in these regions since ancient times and are the heirs of their material and material values. spiritual culture.
Keywordsethnography, historiography, southern regions of Uzbekistan, Uzbeks, the process of self-awareness, independence.
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21) Pulatova B. The Denau people are in the mirror of history. - T.: Fan, 1994. 144 p.
Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022
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