Michael N. Farin
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Castillejos, Zambales Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Online document tracking using Quick Response Code is an online-based program that can be accessed anywhere provided with the presence of an Internet connection. For security, username and password will be provided to the user including the level of access.
The study revealed that the school head and staff respondents’ assessment was “Average” on all dimensions of the existing Practices of Documents Tracking except in terms of functionality where the staff respondent gave an evaluation of “Good”. The school head respondents ‘ assessment on all dimensions of Quick Response Code for tracking of online documents was Excellent except on Reliability where the rating was Good. The staff respondents had given a rating of “Excellent” on all dimensions. In terms of acceptability, the school head respondents’ evaluation was “Highly Accepted” while “Accepted” on performance. The staff respondents’ assessment was “Highly Accepted” on the dimensions towards Quick Response Code for tracking of online documents. In terms of readiness, the school head respondents indicated that they are “ready” to use the system while the staff was “Very Ready” as to information system faculty and user/technical personnel.
Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, and the conclusions arrived at, the researcher recommended that for better document tracking, the Quick Response Code for tracking documents for President Ramon Magsaysay State University is highly endorsed and recommended for use; that the system shall be cascaded to offices to all colleges and in satellite campuses for effective and efficient tracking of documents; that the used of Quick Response Code for tracking documents is highly recommended for use which demonstrate global competitiveness and adhere to Civil Service advocacy and principle of efficient service to clients; that the used of Quick Response Code for tracking documents is highly recommended which adhere to ISO certification in providing quick, fast and efficient services and lastly to conduct a parallel or similar study with in-depth and wider in scope so as to validate the findings obtained in the study.
KeywordsAcceptability, Quick Response Code, Document Tracking
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Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022
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