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Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022

Moderating Effect of Audit Committee Financial Expertise on Relationship between Monitoring Attributes and Audit Quality of Listed Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria
1Mbatuegwu, Christopher David MSC, M.Ed., PhD., 2Musa. Ahmed Mohammed FCNA, PhD,3Yoko, Emmanuel Victor
1,3Nigerian College of Accountancy Kwall, Plateau State
2Association of National Accountant of Nigeria (ANAN), Abuja, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-22

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Audit committee financial expertise, audit report quality, financial reporting accuracy, and corporate governance are under increased scrutiny. The audit committee, which is responsible for credible financial reporting, can play a significant role in overseeing the audit process. The study covered the period of 215–2919, and the population consisted of ten listed oil and gas companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). Since Afroil Plc was delisted in 2009, it was excluded from the study population. Data was extracted from the companies' published annual reports and accounts, which was analysed with the aid of Stata 13 version in order to obtain a result. Financial literacy appears to be more effective in diversified firms and in firms with mandatorily established audit committees. Independent directors serve a governance role that improves financial reporting quality, audit quality, and earnings quality. The study found that the audit committee's interaction with the audit committee has a strong statistical influence on the association between audit quality and non-executive directors.


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