1Abdonloh Khreeda-Oh, 2Hishamudin Isam, 3Mashetoh Abd Mutalib
1Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
2,3School of Languages, Culture and Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study concerns with the processes borrowing Thai language (TL) words in Patani Malay Dialect (PMD) from the perspective of Sociolinguistics. The main objective of this study is to see how the processes happen from TL to PMD. The research data for TL loanwords in PMD are obtained from written and spoken language while the data from TL itself are obtained from written materials. Attention towards the processes of TL loanwords in PMD is in regard with the study about similarities between TL and Malay language (ML) through two important processes; importation and substitution. Indirectly this study also touched on the influence of TL which has an important role to the lexical elements of PMD. In addition to the elaboration of the borrowing process, an analysis was also carried out on the process of changing TL loanwords in PMD in terms of phonology involving vocal and consonant changes using descriptive approaches. Finally, the findings showed that apart from direct borrowing from TL, PMD also adapts the loanwords according to the existing system in PMD. Even from the borrowing elements themselves, it is found that there are words considered to come from the same family while some are borrowed from other languages.
KeywordsPatani Malay Dialect, Thai Language, Borrowing, Loanwords, Importation, Substitution.
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Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022
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